(02) 6299 7980

Rodent Control Canberra & Surrounding NSW

For prompt service and fast results

When it comes to rodent control, a professional rodent treatment ensures you get rid of the rats and mice quickly and safely.

It’s well known that rodents can spread serious diseases (including typhus and salmonella) and their habit of gnawing can cause damage to buildings, including to electrical wiring and water pipes. Not to mention the noise they make scrabbling around our homes!

To get rid of rats or mice, it takes expert knowledge of their habits and the use of specialist rat control products. Mann’s Pest Control have the solution for all kinds of mice and rat problems.

Professional Rodent Control Treatments

When it comes to rodent control, Canberra is home to the three most common species of pest rodents: black rats, brown rats and house mice.

The first job is for our team to undertake a thorough inspection of your property to determine which species is causing the problem, and to assess the size of the rodent population. We will identify how the rodents are getting into the building and attempt to locate any nests. Let us know where you’ve heard scurrying or found droppings, as these are likely to be hotspots.

Rodent protection is not included in our standard pest control treatment, so if you have a problem with rats or mice, you will need a specific rodent control treatment.

Our rodent treatments

While it might be tempting to buy some rat bait and put it in the roof, throwing out some bait and hoping for the best rarely achieves results. More importantly it can create a safety issue for pets and native animals.

Mann’s Pest Control are experts in rodent control techniques. We use a range of tools: professional quality rodent baits, bait stations and traps. Typically, rodenticide baits will be strategically placed around the property in locations that ensure maximum effectiveness. This is while taking into account safety considerations regarding children, pets, and food preparation areas. We only use secure, lockable bait stations. In situations where using bait is not appropriate, alternative methods (such as traps) may be used.

How long do rodent treatments take to work?

Rodenticides are fast-acting poisons. Some only require the rat to nibble on the bait once before proving fatal. Typically, a rodent infestation will be under control within 1-2 weeks. However, if the property is not fully rodent proof, it is not unusual for other rodents to enter your property at a later date. As such we place sufficient bait throughout the property and roof space to control prevent new infestations.

We generally charge a flat rate for standard rodent control treatments, but if we find a serious infestation on arrival, we will let you know of any additional visits/costs that may be required.

Warranty: Our warranty on rodent treatments is 3 months. To prevent rodents returning it will be necessary to implement any rodent proofing recommendations.

Pest Control Mice

Unless you’re experience a mouse plague or have a major infestation, pest control for mice is fairly straight forward. Outside mice will live in burrows, but inside buildings they will build their nests in wall cavities, behind and in cupboards, and in furniture. They don’t actually travel very far from their nest, so finding their nesting site and placing baits accordingly is a key part to successful control. Mice are also very inquisitive and so will readily try mouse bait, as long as it’s place in a suitable location.

Pest Control Rats

Pest control of rats creates a lot more problems than pest control for mice. Firstly, there are two types of pest rats, the roof rat and the Norway rat (also known as the brown rat or sewer rat). The two species of rat have very different behaviours, not the least the roof rat (which is more common) tends to be more arboreal and build nests in roof voids and the Norway rats spends more time at ground level. Rats are also neophobic – they are frightened of new things. This makes it more difficult to approach anything new in their territory, which means it may take longer for them to start feeding on a bait or enter a bait station.

Black rat (roof rat)

House mouse

Brown rat (Norway rat)

Top tips to prevent a rodent problem...

Rodents like to make their nests in warm, sheltered locations that offer food and water nearby. When rats and mice enter­ our homes, it’s generally because they find exactly what they need once inside.

Preventing a rodent problem requires two actions:

  1. Preventing rodents from gaining access through cracks and gaps in the building;
  2. Removing potential sources of food and water.

Stop rodents from coming inside

  • Look at the garden. Are any tree branches overhanging the property? Overhanging vegetation makes an easy springboard for rodents to gain access to the building. Prune branches and shrubs around the perimeter of the property.
  • Seal any holes or gaps in the floorboards, walls and roof. Mice can squeeze through gaps as small as the end of your little finger.
  • Repair any damaged screen doors and consider adding door sweeps on exterior doors.
  • Store firewood well away (at least six metres) from the building.

Remove food and water sources

  • Rubbish bins are easy-access food sources. Ensure all bins, inside and out, have tight-fitting lids.
  • Keep food in sealed plastic or glass containers.
  • Do not leave pet food outside.
  • If the property is home to other animals, such as chickens, or rabbits, leftover grain feed can be very attractive to rodents. Food waste should be minimised and the grain stored securely.
  • Check outdoor pipes and taps and fix any leaks.

Call the Rodent Control Specialists